ABITUR ENGLISCH | Sprachschule Münster
Abitur Quiz 2
1. What is one key criticism of the American Dream in modern society?
It ignores systemic barriers
a) It promotes universal equality (Es fördert universelle Gleichheit)
b) It ignores systemic barriers (Es ignoriert systemische Hürden)
c) It discourages hard work (Es entmutigt harte Arbeit)
2. Which group is known for helping enslaved individuals escape to freedom?
The Underground Railroad
a) The Abolitionists (Die Abolitionisten)
b) The Underground Railroad (Die Untergrundbahn)
c) The Union Army (Die Unionsarmee)
3. What was the Harlem Renaissance known for?
A cultural movement celebrating African American art
a) Political reform (Politische Reformen)
b) A cultural movement celebrating African American art (Eine kulturelle Bewegung zur Feier afroamerikanischer Kunst)
c) Economic recovery (Wirtschaftliche Erholung)
4. Who wrote the famous novel "The Great Gatsby," which critiques the American Dream?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
a) Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway)
b) Mark Twain (Mark Twain)
c) F. Scott Fitzgerald (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
5. What did the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution accomplish?
It abolished slavery
a) It abolished slavery (Es schaffte die Sklaverei ab)
b) It granted voting rights to women (Es gewährte Frauen das Wahlrecht)
c) It ended segregation (Es beendete die Rassentrennung)
6. Which war is often considered a turning point in defining American freedom?
The American Revolution
a) The Civil War (Der Bürgerkrieg)
b) The American Revolution (Die Amerikanische Revolution)
c) World War I (Der Erste Weltkrieg)
7. Who is often called the “Father of the Constitution”?
James Madison
a) Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson)
b) James Madison (James Madison)
c) Alexander Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton)
8. What does the phrase “E Pluribus Unum” on U.S. coins mean?
Out of many, one
a) Freedom for all (Freiheit für alle)
b) Out of many, one (Aus vielen eines)
c) United we stand (Einheit macht stark)
9. What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression?
The stock market crash of 1929
a) World War I (Der Erste Weltkrieg)
b) The stock market crash of 1929 (Der Börsencrash von 1929)
c) The Dust Bowl (Die Staubstürme)
10. What was the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
It declared freedom for enslaved people in Confederate states
a) It ended the Civil War (Es beendete den Bürgerkrieg)
b) It declared freedom for enslaved people in Confederate states (Es erklärte die Freiheit für Sklaven in Konföderiertenstaaten)
c) It granted women’s suffrage (Es gewährte Frauen das Wahlrecht)
11. What does the Bill of Rights protect?
Individual freedoms and rights
a) Individual freedoms and rights (Individuelle Freiheiten und Rechte)
b) Voting laws (Wahlgesetze)
c) Economic policies (Wirtschaftspolitik)
12. Which protest event sparked the American Revolution?
The Boston Tea Party
a) The Civil Rights March (Der Marsch für Bürgerrechte)
b) The Boston Tea Party (Die Boston Tea Party)
c) The Gettysburg Address (Die Gettysburg-Rede)
13. Who was the first African American president of the United States?
Barack Obama
a) Martin Luther King Jr. (Martin Luther King Jr.)
b) Barack Obama (Barack Obama)
c) Malcolm X (Malcolm X)
14. What was the "Dust Bowl" during the 1930s?
A period of severe dust storms and drought
a) A period of economic growth (Eine Zeit des Wirtschaftswachstums)
b) A period of severe dust storms and drought (Eine Periode starker Staubstürme und Dürre)
c) The Great Migration (Die große Migration)
15. What movement fought for equal rights for women?
The Women’s Suffrage Movement
a) The Abolitionist Movement (Die Abolitionistenbewegung)
b) The Women’s Suffrage Movement (Die Frauenrechtsbewegung)
c) The Civil Rights Movement (Die Bürgerrechtsbewegung)
16. What does the term “separate but equal” refer to?
A doctrine that justified racial segregation
a) Equal voting rights (Gleiche Wahlrechte)
b) A doctrine that justified racial segregation (Eine Doktrin, die Rassentrennung rechtfertigte)
c) Free education for all (Kostenlose Bildung für alle)
17. Which document officially ended slavery in the United States?
The 13th Amendment
a) The Declaration of Independence (Die Unabhängigkeitserklärung)
b) The 13th Amendment (Der 13. Zusatzartikel)
c) The Bill of Rights (Die Bill of Rights)
18. What major event triggered the U.S. Civil War?
The secession of Southern states
a) The abolition of slavery (Die Abschaffung der Sklaverei)
b) The secession of Southern states (Der Austritt der Südstaaten)
c) Economic disagreements (Wirtschaftliche Meinungsverschiedenheiten)
19. What movement in the 1960s sought to achieve racial equality?
The Civil Rights Movement
a) The Labor Movement (Die Arbeiterbewegung)
b) The Civil Rights Movement (Die Bürgerrechtsbewegung)
c) The Abolitionist Movement (Die Abolitionistenbewegung)
20. What is the main idea behind the "American Dream"?
Anyone can succeed through hard work
a) Success is guaranteed to all (Erfolg ist für alle garantiert)
b) Anyone can succeed through hard work (Jeder kann durch harte Arbeit erfolgreich sein)
c) Wealth comes from inheritance (Wohlstand kommt aus Erbschaft)
21. Who was known as the “Great Emancipator”?
Abraham Lincoln
a) George Washington (George Washington)
b) Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)
c) Franklin D. Roosevelt (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
22. What phrase is used to describe the U.S. as a mix of cultures and backgrounds?
Melting pot
a) Salad bowl (Salatschüssel)
b) Melting pot (Schmelztiegel)
c) Cultural fusion (Kulturelle Verschmelzung)
23. Which movement fought for environmental protection starting in the 1970s?
The Environmental Movement
a) The Labor Movement (Die Arbeiterbewegung)
b) The Environmental Movement (Die Umweltbewegung)
c) The Civil Rights Movement (Die Bürgerrechtsbewegung)
24. What was the significance of Ellis Island?
It was a major immigration processing center
a) It was a battle site (Es war ein Schlachtfeld)
b) It was a major immigration processing center (Es war ein wichtiges Einwanderungszentrum)
c) It was a cultural landmark (Es war ein kulturelles Wahrzeichen)
25. What is celebrated on Juneteenth?
The emancipation of enslaved African Americans
a) The end of World War II (Das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs)
b) The emancipation of enslaved African Americans (Die Befreiung der versklavten Afroamerikaner)
c) The signing of the Constitution (Die Unterzeichnung der Verfassung)
26. Who wrote the famous “I Have a Dream” speech?
Martin Luther King Jr.
a) Malcolm X (Malcolm X)
b) Martin Luther King Jr. (Martin Luther King Jr.)
c) Rosa Parks (Rosa Parks)
27. What does “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” emphasize?
Basic human rights
a) Economic policies (Wirtschaftspolitik)
b) Basic human rights (Grundlegende Menschenrechte)
c) Military power (Militärische Macht)
28. What was the "Seneca Falls Convention" of 1848 about?
Women’s rights
a) Slavery abolition (Abschaffung der Sklaverei)
b) Women’s rights (Frauenrechte)
c) Immigration reform (Einwanderungsreform)
29. What event ended legal racial segregation in public schools?
Brown v. Board of Education
a) Plessy v. Ferguson (Plessy gegen Ferguson)
b) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Das Bürgerrechtsgesetz von 1964)
c) Brown v. Board of Education (Brown gegen das Schulamt)
30. What was the main goal of the labor movement in the late 19th century?
To improve working conditions
a) To improve working conditions (Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern)
b) To fight for racial equality (Für Rassengleichheit kämpfen)
c) To end segregation (Die Rassentrennung beenden)

ABITUR ENGLISCH | Sprachschule Münster
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