Heat Pumps | Quiz 2

Heat Pumps | Quiz 2

Heat Pumps | Quiz 2 | Talking English

Heat Pumps | Quiz 4

Heat Pump Vocabulary Exercise - Advanced Concepts

Heat Pump Vocabulary Exercise - Advanced Concepts

61. Refrigerants in heat pumps must comply with ______ regulations.
a) environmental (Umwelt-)
b) safety (Sicherheits-)

62. R290, a natural refrigerant, is gaining popularity for ______.
a) eco-friendliness (Umweltfreundlichkeit)
b) cost-effectiveness (Kosteneffizienz)

63. Heat pumps with inverter technology adjust output to match ______.
a) supply (Angebot)
b) demand (Nachfrage)

64. Heat recovery ventilators work well with ______ systems.
a) heat pump (Wärmepumpen-)
b) solar panel (Solarpaneel-)

65. Multi-zone heat pumps control temperatures in different ______.
a) buildings (Gebäuden)
b) rooms (Räumen)

66. Absorption heat pumps use natural gas instead of ______.
a) electricity (Strom)
b) refrigerants (Kältemittel)

67. Heat pumps reduce heat loss in well-______ homes.
a) ventilated (belüfteten)
b) insulated (isolierten)

68. Reversible heat pumps switch modes for heating or ______.
a) cooling (Kühlen)
b) ventilation (Belüftung)

69. The lifecycle cost of heat pumps is lower than ______.
a) radiators (Radiatoren)
b) boilers (Kessel)

70. High-efficiency models have low ______.
a) power consumption (Stromverbrauch)
b) global warming potential (GWP) (Treibhauspotenzial)

Diving Deeper into Technicalities

71. Heat pump performance is affected by the refrigerant ______.
a) type and design (Art und Design)
b) volume and cost (Volumen und Kosten)

72. Advanced sensors optimize heat pump operation in ______.
a) real-time (Echtzeit)
b) off-peak hours (Nebenzeiten)

73. Heat pumps with smart thermostats improve ______.
a) energy management (Energiemanagement)
b) maintenance schedules (Wartungspläne)

74. They can store excess energy for later use during ______.
a) peak demand (Spitzenbedarf)
b) summer (Sommer)

75. Heat pumps contribute to decentralized ______ systems.
a) energy (Energie)
b) heat (Wärme)

76. Integrating heat pumps with heat storage tanks improves ______.
a) cost (Kosten)
b) performance (Leistung)

77. Direct expansion systems eliminate the need for ______ in ground loops.
a) antifreeze (Frostschutzmittel)
b) refrigerants (Kältemittel)

78. Air-to-water heat pumps can connect to existing ______ systems.
a) radiator (Heizkörper-)
b) solar (Solar-)

79. Dual-source heat pumps switch between air and ______ heat sources.
a) water (Wasser)
b) ground (Boden)

80. Noise reduction features improve comfort in ______ installations.
a) commercial (gewerblichen)
b) residential (privaten)

Heat Pumps | Quiz 2

Heat Pumps | Quiz 2

Heat Pumps | Quiz 2 | Talking English